change windows 2008 active directory database location

change windows 2008 active directory database location

activate instance ntds
info ( to check where the DB files are located )

create directory’s for the DB and log files
mkdir d:\NTDS-Dbase
mkdir d:\NTDS-Logs

activate instance ntds
move db to d:\NTDS-Dbase
movelogs to d:\NTDS-Logs

afterwards create a new backup of your system so that the DB and log files are pointing to the correct location when performing a restore action.

3 Responses so far.

  1. Hi, i entered this into notepad and nothing happened. please help

  2. Hello Jeffrey, you have to enter this in a administrator enable command box. search for CMD en shift right-click it to run as adminstrator

  3. Hi there – this was great info. Just a couple of things that I found.

    Had to “NET STOP NTDS” first

    and the final command was

    move logs to d:\ntds-logs

    But really helped me out of a jam. Thanks

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